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MessagePublié: 25 Septembre 2011, 18:34 
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Inscription: 12 Août 2008, 22:57
Messages: 1895

On Saturday, September 17, 2011, a swiftly moving white orb was spottted chasing a boat in the ocean off the coast of Sweden. It is unclear which specific body of water was the site of this amazing event. The North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean are two possibilities. Giavedoni Eric is responsible for sharing amazing footage of the object in a video called "UFO? Submarine? Unusual object off the coast of Sweden" that he posted on UFOs & Aliens,Paranormal... EriGIA007's Channel.

Of course, the object isn't technically a UFO since there is no evidence the unidentified object was flying. Instead, the perfectly round bright white object was moving fluidly through the water and keeping pace with a small boat.

According to 52-year-old Giavedoni Eric of France: "The unusual white object itself, and quickly moving in the ocean off the coast of Sweden, filmed on video. Most of it resembles a large float or buoy attached to a rope and trailing behind the boat."

If you watch the video on the left side of this page, you will see that the object does not appear to be attached to the boat since it does not always follow at the same speed, angle, or distance as it would if it were being towed.

The video features reporter Sanne Olsson. The captions or subtitles on the video itself tell the whole story:

Armed Forces: "Could be a submarine." Jan Thomquist, Navy tactical commander.

Buoy movements baffle even the Armed Forces. Now Malin Quran's film carefully analyzed.

"We take the material seriously. One cannot exclude that a submarine is involved," says Jan Thomquist, Navy tactical commander. Sailing Friends observations from Maseskar have reached the Armed Forces.

Now the data analyzed. "I understand that they reacted to the buoy movements, the data are very interesting," says Jan Thomquist, Navy tactical commander of the Armed Forces.

Examine the position. Now, analysts, among other things to pick up additional witness statements, investigating the precise location, weather conditions, currents and sail the boat's cruising speed.

"It's too early to say what this is. The reason could be the strong currents, but really, I would not give any more comments until we have completed the analysis," he says. Excludes no . . . If a submarine can be involved he would not rule [it] out.

"I have no reason to do so. The analysis will show. We estimate that we have received this report and we will take it very seriously."

Da funky emperor !

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MessagePublié: 25 Septembre 2011, 19:25 
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Inscription: 18 Juillet 2009, 11:49
Messages: 2349
C'est le rôdeur ... :mrgreen:
Fallait pas essayer de s'enfuir du village! :monocle:

NEMROD34 S.A.R.L de démolition minutieuse de foutaises.
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MessagePublié: 25 Septembre 2011, 19:33 
Ornithorynque consterné
Ornithorynque consterné
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Inscription: 16 Mai 2010, 16:44
Messages: 1257
Localisation: Dans une rivière australienne
C'est un peu petit pour être le rodeur, non ?

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MessagePublié: 25 Septembre 2011, 20:08 
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Inscription: 18 Juillet 2009, 11:49
Messages: 2349
Alors c'est un piti rodeur! :monocle:

NEMROD34 S.A.R.L de démolition minutieuse de foutaises.
Siret : 123456789
Capital 3 millions de brouzoufs
Certifié sans chat.

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MessagePublié: 25 Septembre 2011, 21:04 
Sonne toujours deux fois
Sonne toujours deux fois
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Inscription: 05 Août 2008, 17:27
Messages: 7340
Localisation: Massif central. Par là.
Intriguant, en effet. Mais ça pourrait être une machine téléguidée...

Cela dit, ça ne relève clairement pas du domaine de la cryptozoologie (à moins que vous ne connaissiez un animal rond, blanc, sans organes ni membres visibles et capable de nager à grande vitesse), mais plutôt de celui de l'ufologie... Je déplace dans la section appropriée.

Close the world, open the next

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MessagePublié: 26 Septembre 2011, 14:22 
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Inscription: 22 Octobre 2010, 13:26
Messages: 302
Localisation: Belgique
Un œuf de Ningen peut être :think:

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MessagePublié: 26 Septembre 2011, 18:19 
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Inscription: 09 Août 2010, 13:17
Messages: 114
Localisation: Nantes
On sait que certains chalutiers tractent des filets de pêche sur des kilomètres.

Je pencherais plus pour une histoire de bouée d'un de ces immenses filets prise dans une tierce embarcation et tirée à son insu.

Dernière édition par nirfosca le Ven Décembre 21, 2012 15:61, édité 666 fois.

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