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 Sujet du message: Encore une vidéo de Bigfoot
MessagePublié: 11 Novembre 2009, 11:35 
Grand matou
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Inscription: 29 Juillet 2008, 20:26
Messages: 6447
Un randonneur dit avoir filmé Bigfoot en octobre, sur le grand sentier de randonnée des Appalaches. Il a vu quelque chose qui ressemblait à un fort, a commencé à filmer, a entendu des bruits bizarres et, pris de peur, s'est enfui.

En visionnant le film chez lui, il a découvert une silhouette étrange...

Does Dauphin County Man Have Bigfoot Footage?
11/08/09 3:59 pm | reporter: Kendra Nichols producer: Bryan Peach

Dauphin County, Pa. - A Dauphin County man, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he may have caught images of Bigfoot with his flip-cam.

He says he was hiking the Appalachian Trail with his wife back in October when he came across what looked like a fort. He started filming, and says that's when he started hearing strange noises.

"You can actually hear it go 'huh-ah,' like a monkey. I mean, deep in the lungs," he said. "I panicked. The sounds were loud and they freaked me out, to be honest with you. I told my wife we need to get out of here. There's something up in these woods."

When he got home, he saw a strange image on the video.

"Here's this thing standing in the middle of the trail," says the man. "My wife said, 'What is that?' I said, 'I don't know.'"

The video has captured the attention of Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi. Tom is the CEO and Founder of the company "Hunting For Bigfoot."

Tom says he's passionate about Bigfoot, because he has had sightings himself. He showed us evidence which, he says, he's collected across the United States. He says he found hair samples in Arizona, footprints from Texas, a mummified hand from Montana, and now new video from Pennsylvania.

"This is raw footage," says Biscardi. "This is the real deal. You've got to understand, I've been doing this for 36 years, and this is the ultimate - to finally come across one of these beasts. And here it is roaming up in these mountains."

Tom and his crew searched the area where the video was shot Sunday afternoon. Tom says he plans on proving Bigfoot exists by capturing one.

La vidéo est ici : ... =newsstory

Source :

:binocle: Sage à ses heures, idiot le reste du temps.
Horaire inconnu.

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MessagePublié: 11 Novembre 2009, 11:46 
Sonne toujours deux fois
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Inscription: 05 Août 2008, 17:27
Messages: 7281
Localisation: Massif central. Par là.
C'est moi, ou ce vieux renard de Biscardi a pris un coup de vieux ? Je le voyais un peu moins empâté avant... :mrgreen:

Bon, sinon, pas grand chose à dire sur la vidéo en elle-même : il faut être un convaincu pour arriver à y distinguer un bigfoot. Personnellement, je n'ai rien vu.

Close the world, open the next

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MessagePublié: 11 Novembre 2009, 17:12 
Mars attacks
Mars attacks
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Inscription: 02 Février 2009, 20:34
Messages: 1535
C'est un arrêt sur image même pas une vidéo du soit-disant bigfoot. Après il y a bien une silouhette mais j'ai plus l'impression qu'il s'agisse du jeu des ombres mélangé aux branches d'arbres.
J'adore le " Here comes to the Bigfoot Hunter, By Bigfoot INC. " :lol:

ne jamais renoncer

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